Advice Notes
Why Provide Advice Notes?
Our Advice Notes aim to provide background information on different aspects of orchards and to give a Suffolk perspective on Natural England’s Technical Information Notes (TINs), which are available free:
- Traditional orchards: a summary TIN012 2010/10/19
- Traditional orchards: site and tree selection TIN013 2010/10/19
- Traditional orchards: planting and establishing fruit trees TIN014 2010/10/19
- Traditional orchards: an introduction to pruning TIN015 2010/10/19
- Traditional orchards: formative pruning of young trees TIN016 2010/10/19
- Traditional orchards: maintenance pruning TIN017 2010/10/19
- Traditional orchards: restoring and managing mature and neglected orchards TIN018 2010/10/19
- Traditional orchards: fruit tree health TIN019 2010/10/19
- Traditional orchards: orchards and wildlife TIN020 2010/10/19
- Traditional orchards: glossary TIN021 2010/10/19
STOG Advice Notes
Our Advice Notes now include new plantings and other specific Suffolk issues on managing orchards.
Click on the image below to open or download the pdf file
Advice Notes available soon
- STOGAN 7: “Wild” fruit and nut varieties in Suffolk
- STOGAN 8: Propogating fruit and nut trees for Suffolk orchards
- STOGAN 10: Traditional Suffolk orchard tree epiphytes
- STOGAN 11: Traditional Suffolk orchard fauna
- STOGAN 12: A survey of traditional orchards in Suffolk
Several STOG Mini-Monographs, describing local Suffolk fruit and nut varieties, are planned. The apple varieties widely grown in Suffolk are already described, or will be, on the FruitID website, In time other species may be included too. STOG MiniMonographs are intended to fill gaps left by current literature and online data. They will also include species and varieties grown in Suffolk, but not identified as described varieties or they appear to be unique. They take various formats and include pre-existing articles, excerpts from correspondence, technical variety descriptions, and simple records of discovery; most are compilations of all these made available as sources of information. Some are in a draft version to encourage responses from readers.
Titles available soon:
- MM0: STOG names for unidentified fruit varieties.
- MM1: Pear, Suffolk Thorn
- MM2: Christmas Lane Cottage plums
- MM3: Cherry Plums in Suffolk
- MM4: Apple, “Langton Green”
- MM5: Culinary pears
- MM6: Plum, Coe’s Golden Drop
- MM7: South Suffolk cherries
- MM8: Catsheads, Codlins and Suffolk Styles Pippin
- MM9: Suffolk’s seaside apples and pears
- MM10: Walnuts and pubs
Management of Veteran Fruit trees (video)
This video was produced by the Ancient Tree Forum and other partners in the VETree project to encourage good practice in the management of ancient and other veteran trees. (17 min).
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