Local Policies and Strategies
Local authorities and other public bodies should integrate biodiversity conservation into all their policies and strategies (for example waste, transport, education, parish plans).
Suffolk Strategic Partnership (Transforming Suffolk 2008-2028) is of key importance. This covers all service areas and plays a significant role in the setting and implementation of the vision for the local area
All partners of Suffolk’s Sustainable Community Strategy are committed to achieving:
- A Prosperous and Vibrant Economy
- Learning and Skills for the Future
- Creating the Greenest County
- Safe, Healthy and Inclusive Communities
Biodiversity falls squarely within ‘Creating the Greenest County’ sector, but also makes significant contributions to the other three topics. Biodiversity falls within the Focus Area: ‘retain, enhance and value Suffolk’s natural and historic environment’. Biodiversity work must be informed primarily by the County Wildlife Sites (CWS) Project and Suffolk’s Biodiversity Action Plan.
See also Suffolk County Council’s Designated Areas of Wildlife and Landscape.
Suffolk has adopted a local performance indicator closely based on NI 197 which is defined as ‘improved local biodiversity – the proportion of Local Sites where positive conservation management has been or is being implemented’. Visit the CWS webpage for further information.
Suffolk Biodiversity Action Plan lists 302 species and 25 habitats that are vulnerable and are therefore priorities at a national or local level. Visit the Downloads pages to to see a list of all the plans, together with downloadable pdf files.
Practical ideas
- Ensure positive conservation management is being implemented on County Wildlife Sites and undertake regular CWS reviews in order to update the CWS register. The register is held by Suffolk Biodiversity Information Service.
- Develop natural green space programmes to benefit Suffolk’s Biodiversity Action Plan species and habitats as well as people.
- Use the Suffolk Biodiversity Information Service Project Fund to set up wildlife projects that contribute to the conservation of Suffolk species and habitats.
Case Studies
County Wildlife Site re-survey work in Suffolk Coastal and Forest Heath Districts and St. Edmundsbury Borough
These Councils undertook a review of their CWS registers with match funding from Suffolk Biodiversity Partnership for important resurveys. This has enabled the texts for sites to be reviewed and updated by the CWS Panel. The project ties in well with work to identify key sites where the potential for biodiversity improvement can be achieved. It also ensures the ecological evidence base for planners is sufficiently strong and is fit for purpose with regard to the planning process, especially for the biodiversity validation criteria for 1App.
Essex & Suffolk Water’s Lound Lakes
We own an area of approximately 80 hectares comprising open water, grassland and woodland at Lound, near Lowestoft, that supplies potable water to Lowestoft, Belton, Hopton and the surrounding villages. The site is of high ecological value with great species diversity of both flora and fauna and is designated as a County Wildlife Site.
Conservation management is achieved through a successful partnership between Essex & Suffolk Water and the Broads Authority. A warden manages the site helped by keen local volunteers who have also set up a 'Friends of Lound Lakes' group. Lound Lakes is accessible to the public via a network of paths and permit holders can also enjoy a view over the reservoirs from a bird hide.
The Lound Lakes site has been extensively surveyed and a number of key species have been identified including the Priority species pillwort and otter, as well as orchids, butterflies and dragonflies. The Priority habitat Acid Grassland is also present.
The majority of the grassland is managed through a Countryside Stewardship Scheme which means funding is available to manage the site sensitively in the interest of plants and wildlife.
- Botanical survey work
- Stradbroke Cemetery
- Lound Lakes (Broads Authority)