Relatively few sites have been surveyed. Hoverflies are better recorded than other sections. There are over 24,000 records for this group on the SBIS database.
Further advice on recording and identification can be found on the Dipterists Forum and the Hoverfly Recording Scheme.
Major Publications
The Diptera of Suffolk. Part 3: Psychodomorpha, Ptychopteromorpha and Culicomorpha. P. Vincent (2020)
The Diptera of Suffolk. Part 2: Bibionoidea and Sciaroidea. P. Vincent (2019)
The Diptera of Suffolk. Part 1: Tipulidae. P. Vincent (2018 TSNS 54)
Recent records of some notable and rare Diptera from Suffolk. A.C. Hubbard (2000 TSNS 36: 76)
The Diptera of Suffolk. W.S. George & A.E. Aston (1960) Open
The Diptera of Suffolk. W.S. George & A.E. Aston (1959) Open
The Diptera of Suffolk. A.E. Aston (1958) Open
Diptera of Suffolk. A.E. Aston (1957) Open
Diptera of Suffolk. A.E. Aston & D. Walker (1956) Open
The Diptera of Suffolk (continued). Edited by A.E. Aston (1954) Open
The Diptera of Suffolk: Family xxiii. C. Morley (1951) Open
The Diptera of Suffolk: Families xvi-xxii. C. Morley (1950) Open
The Diptera of Suffolk: Family xv, Stratiomyidae. C. Morley (1949) Open
The Diptera of Suffolk: Families xiii Mycetophilidae and xiv Cecidomyidae. C. Morley (1948) Open
The Diptera of Suffolk: Families vii Chironomidae to xii Pulicidae. C. Morley (1947) Open
The Diptera of Suffolk: Families Thaumaleidae, Anisopodidae, Psychodidae and Culicidae. C. Morley (1946) Open
The Diptera of Suffolk: Family i, Liropidae. C. Morley; Family ii, Tipulidae. M. Hocken. (1945) Open
The Diptera of Suffolk: First Supplement. B.S. Harwood (1932) Open
The Diptera of Norfolk and Suffolk. Morley & Atwood Trans. Norfolk & Norwich Nat. Soc. (1915 10: 1-180). Open
Other papers from Suffolk Natural History
Diptera Report 2020. P. Vincent (2020) Open
A Nearctic Rhagoletis fruit fly in Suffolk. J.B. Higgott (2020) Open
Diptera Report 2019. P. Vincent (2019) Open
Diptera Report 2018. P. Vincent (2018) Open
Diptera Report 2017. P. Vincent (2017) Open
Diptera Report 2016. P. Vincent (2016) Open
Diptera Report. P. Vincent (2014) Open
Noonfly Mesembrina meridiana (L.) at Flatford Mill. G. Broad (2010) Open
Golden Hoverer. M.N. Sanford (2005) Open
Sturmia bella (Meigen) (Diptera: Tachinidae) an interesting addition to the Suffolk list. D.R. Nash (2005) Open
The Golden Hoverfly, Callicera spinolae Rondani – surviving in Suffolk. A. Aston (2000) Open
Golden Hoverfly possible sighting. A.E. Aston (1998) p.50 Open
Lesser Golden Hoverfly new to Suffolk. A.E. Aston (1998) p.50 Open
The Golden Hoverfly, Callicera spinolae Rondani – an earlier first British occurrence from Suffolk. A.E. Aston (1997) Open
The Golden Hoverfly, Callicera spinolae Rondani. A.E. Aston (1996) Open
Suffolk Robber Flies (Asilidae). A.C. Hubbard (1996) Open
The Hoverflies (Syrphidae) of Bromeswell Green nature reserve. A.C. Hubbard (1991) 992Kb Open
The Diptera of Redgrave and Lopham Fens. P. Withers (1985) Open
Records of Scuttle Flies (Diptera: Phoridae) from Flatford Mill, including two species new to Britain. R.H.L. Disney (1985) Open
Acalypterate Diptera from Suffolk in the Claude Morley collection: 1 Sciomyzidae. P. Withers (1984) Open
Observations on the Cryptic Behaviour of Machimus atricapillus (Fln.) (Diptera: Asilidae). A.G. Irwin (1976) Open
The Hover-flies (Syrphidae) of Gromford Meadow, Snape. W.S. George (1971) Open
A Survey of the Syrphidae (Hover-Flies) of Redgrave and South Lopham Fens. W.S. George (1967) Open
The Eyes of the Flies. W.S. George (1966) Open
A Plague of HoverFlies W.S. George. (1960) Open
Some East Suffolk Hover-Flies. W.S. George (1958) Open
Phoridae (Diptera) New to Suffolk List. L. Parmenter (1957) Open
Further Records of Empididae. C. Garrett-Jones (1956) Open
List of C. Morley's Trypetidae. C. Morley (1953) Open
Daddy-longlegs New to England. M. Hocken (1944) Open
Poplar Fly Unrecorded in Britain. C. Morley (1944) Open
Golden Hoverer-fly New to Britain. C. Morley (1942) Open
The Sea-Midge and its Larva. C. Morley (1931) Open
The Neuroptera of Suffolk. C. Morley (1931) Open
For images of Suffolk Priority species see our Pinterest board
Help with species identification
- Dipterists Forum
- Dipterists Forum Facebook Group
- Dipterists Forum Recording Schemes
- UK Diptera Facebook Group
- Steven Falk Flickr Diptera
- A Key To The Families Of British Diptera
- Mike's Insect Keys: British Diptera
- British Scathophagidae
- Craneflies of the World
- Cranefly Recording Scheme Twitter account
- Cranefly Recording Scheme Facebook Group
- Soldierflies and Allies
- British Soldierflies Facebook Group
- Tachinid Recording Scheme
- Tachinid Recording Scheme Facebook Group
- Horse Flies
- Conopids Facebook Group
- Blow Flies Facebook Group
- Flesh Flies Facebook Group
- UK Hoverflies Facebook Group
- Richard Comont Blog
- YouTube Playlist of Fly Courses