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Fungi and Slime Moulds

County Recorder: Neil Mahler

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There has been quite a large volume of recording done on this group over the years, but the coverage has been very uneven. There are just over 12,700 records on the SBIS database. Several of the richer sites have been surveyed annually, but the vast majority, including reserves, have not been looked at. A card index compiled by the late Martin Ellis is housed at SBIS. A county checklist compiled by Martin and Pamela Ellis has been published but has not been loaded onto Recorder due to nomenclatural difficulties

Information on recording and identification can be found on the British Mycological Society website and the Fungus Conservation Trust.

Major Publications

The Rust Fungi of Suffolk. A. Mayfield (1935)

The Coelomycetes of Suffolk. A. Mayfield (1938)

The Coelomycetes of Suffolk (Second List). A. Mayfield (1942)

The Rust-fungi of Suffolk: Additions. A. Mayfield (1943)

The Ascomycetes of Suffolk. A. Mayfield (1946)

Suffolk Mould- and Smut-Fungi. A. Mayfield (1947)

The Basidiomycetes of Suffolk. A. Mayfield (1948)

Total of Known Suffolk Fungi. A. Mayfield (1949)

Fungi and Slime Moulds in Suffolk. Martin and Pam Ellis (1989)

Fungi & Slime Moulds in Suffolk. Supplement 1. M. Ellis & P. Ellis (1991) TSNS 27: 87

Fungi & Slime Moulds in Suffolk. Supplement 2. M. Ellis & P. Ellis (1994) TSNS 30: 87

Fungi & Slime Moulds in Suffolk. Supplement 3. M. Ellis & P. Ellis (1996) TSNS 32: 165

Other papers from Suffolk Natural History

Brandon Fungi 1959–2014 – change in stability and occurrence. O. Rackham (2015) Open
Fungi recording in Suffolk. N. Mahler (2012) Open
Fungi recording in Suffolk. N. Mahler (2010) Open
Morels. G.D. Heathcote (2000) Open
A new micro fungus in Suffolk. R.J. Fisk (2000) Open
Fungus, Clathrus ruber. P.G. Lawson (1999) p.117 Open
Puffballs, Earthballs and Earth Stars. G.D. Heathcote (1995) Open
Fascinated by fungi. G.D. Heathcote (1995) p.47 Open
Notes on the fungi of Thetford Forest. G.D. Heathcote (1993) Open
Fungus new to Suffolk. F.W. Simpson (1990) p.5 Open
More fungi for Suffolk. G.D. Heathcote (1990) p.32 Open
A toadstool in Ipswich. F.W. Simpson (1989) p.99 Open
Fungi in an Ipswich garden. F.W. Simpson (1988) p.98 Open
Fungi. F.W. Simpson & G.D. Heathcote p.35 (1985) Open
Unusual fungus from Brightwell. Green, C. A. (1985) p.64 Open
Claviceps purpurea on Wild Grasses. F.W. Simpson (1971) Open
Some Breckland Fungi. G.D. Heathcote (1966) Open
Fungus Foray, 27th October, 1962. F.W. Simpson (1962) Open
Report upon the Dutch Elm Disease in Suffolk. C. Morley (1931) Open
Edible Fungi. A.P. Waller (1930) Open

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