Over a ten-year period, Ian Killeen covered over 70% of the tetrads in Suffolk. The results of his survey (probably the most detailed in Britain) have been computerised; the SBIS database now holds over 45,000 records. The results were published in The Land & Freshwater Molluscs of Suffolk. (1992).
Further information on recording and identification can be found on the Conchological Society website.
Basic Suffolk Checklist on Recorder.
Major Publications
The Land & Freshwater Molluscs of Suffolk: An Atlas and History. I. Killeen (1992 SNS Out of print)
Other papers from Suffolk Natural History
Non-marine Mollusca survey, 1986. I.J. Killeen (1987) Open
Limax valentianus Ferussac (Mollusea: Limacidae) new to Suffolk. I.J. Killeen (1987) Open
The non-marine Mollusca of Suffolk. I.J Killeen (1986) Open
Freshwater Mussels at Campsea Ashe. Earl of Cranbrook (1974) Open
A New Suffolk locality for the Snail Monacha cartusiana (Müller). M. Bishop & S. Bishop (1972) Open
A Contribution to the Census of the Non-marine Mollusca of Suffolk. H.E.J. Biggs (1969) Open
Mollusca of Bobbit’s Hole A.G. Davies (1954) Open
An Albino Ramshorn Snail. E. Eden (1965) Open
The Mollusca of Suffolk (1938) Open
For images of Suffolk Priority species see our Pinterest Board
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